The Princess Bride I don't see how anyone can have escaped the 1980's without having seen this film. Out of all the movies I will ever talk about, it is probably the most quotable, the most heartwarming story ever told. And, actually, it's a story within a story, although not like The Never Ending Story. I'm not much of a "fantasy" guy, I don't really get in to stories about Wizards, or trolls, or knights, with the exception of a few great ones, but this is one of those exceptions. It's a story as old as time, it is the original story. Boy of lowly status loves girl of higher status, leaves the farm/village to seek his fortune so he can win her, et cetera, et cetera...but there's more than that. This is a movie that winks and nods at you, because they know you've heard this one before, and on top of it all, the story isn't being told to us, it's being told to a sick kid by his grandfather. Of course, there's the story of true love that involves Wesley the farm boy and Princess Buttercup, but the real love story here is the Grandfather and the boy. Most of the laughs, the quotable stuff, comes from Andre' the Giant, or Indigo Montoya ("Hello! My name is Indigo Montoya! You killed my father. Prepare to die!"), and it's hard not to love to swashbuckling adventure of The Dread Pirate Roberts, but as Grandpa says to grandson, "as you wish," we know what he really means, and that, I think, is the soul of this film.

In Television- Star Trek:The Next Generation, Max Headroom, Married With Children
In song- "Fight For Your Right (To Party)," "Bad," "Who's That Girl?"
Big Event- "Black Monday" Stock Market crash