I've never met anyone who hates movies. Everyone likes at least one. Our cultural awareness is often shaped by them, and it's easy to see why. We all experience life, I think, as though we are the protagonist in the movie of our lives. We star in it, sometimes reluctantly, we face off with villains, we interact with our supporting characters, and we all, at times, find that the plot can change from romance, to comedy, to action, to drama without anyone asking if we approve of the changes. Life immitates art, art imitates life...whatever, right? But movies mean something to us, even the bad ones. So, here's a list of movies from my life, starting from the year I was born, just to keep things in perspective. I know your list will be different, but these are films that helped shape my life experience, and I'm sure you'll find some here that you love and loathe as much as I do.